Friday, April 24, 2009

The Wild World of Cinema, Live on Stage!

In the "There's something you don't see every day" department, here's the Troma-sanctioned Toxic Avenger Musical.

I've read a grudgingly favorable review in The New Yorker. John Lahr, the reviewer, cites some promising lyrics, like these from "The Legend of the Toxic Avenger."

Lemme tell you a story 'bout
A man with a strange complexion.
He killed a lot of folks
And made a love connection.

Elsewhere in the metropolis, the magazine notes a new production by the Wooster Group of the 1641 opera La Didone. The wild-world-of-cinema angle here is the superimposition upon the musical tale of Dido and Aeneas of the plot, dialogue and costume design of Mario Bava's Planet of the Vampires (Terrore Nella Spazia) Here's a photo, and here's a link to the Wooster Group site, where you can see an excerpt from the show.

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